Are you getting the most ROI out of your IT infrastructure, your network, on-premise, or hosted hardware and software? How about your remote workers?

SMX_REALIT-Chk_b-lg-w-bl_5000x5000No matter what technology or systems you’re running on, you need to evaluate how it is working for you, at least once a year! The same holds true for all the hardware, mobile devices, software, operating systems and connections to the outside world, upon which you and your business depend daily. It’s not that they break (well, some do), but change is constant and accelerating; incompatibilities and instability tend to grow over time, so your business and the systems it runs on must adapt and evolve. Technology, and functionality that suited you a year ago, is probably not enough, or a good fit for your business today…

You definitely need a Reality Check or “REAL IT” Check!

You need to check if the visions and goals of last year are being met by your business system realities of today. Our REAL IT Check service is designed to launch the process. It is a brief/concise business systems, process and online profile review, delivering real insight and ideas for free, with an option for more in-depth consulting when you’re ready.  The options are:

  • FREE REAL IT Check — this is a 2-4 hour intro session, designed to:
    • Gather basic information about your current systems (“as-is”)
    • Review general functionality and processes
    • Review your web sites and social media profiles
    • Deliver simple (summary) documentation of our findings
    • Suggest high-level strategy & next steps (a.k.a. the REAL IT Checklist)
  • PAID REAL IT Check — this is more, as-needed and upon request:
    • Who: appropriate resources will be assigned from our team.
    • What: additional, extended, billable services, tailored to your needs.
    • Where: on-site at your offices, or offsite (remote), as is most cost-effective and for best results.
    • When: after the free session has been completed and you are ready for more.
    • Why: you will be confident in our ability to assist and guide you and your business.

Solution Matrix also offers a third service, which can be part of a REAL IT Check, and we call it the Guaranteed Results Session or “GRS“. It’s a consulting session that gives you one or more tangible, meaningful benefits or deliverable(s), for a low fee. If we don’t deliver at least one meaningful result or benefit, you don’t pay for the session! The GRS approach is designed to establish initial comfort and confidence in our abilities, and our team, prior to entering into a long-term commitment with Solution Matrix, such as a project or support contract.

Smart solutions. Better results.

Solution Matrix 


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